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Rates & Features

Variable Rates Principal & Interest Interest Only
  Interest Rate Comparison Rate Interest Rate Comparison Rate
LVR of 60% and below 5.99% p.a. 5.99% p.a. 5.99% p.a. 6.76% p.a.
LVR from 60% to 80% 5.99% p.a. 5.99% p.a. 5.99% p.a. 6.76% p.a.
LVR from 80% to 90% 5.99% p.a. 5.99% p.a. 5.99% p.a. 6.76% p.a.
LVR Above 90% 5.99% p.a. 5.99% p.a. 5.99% p.a. 6.76% p.a.
Standard 7.34% p.a. 7.34% p.a. N/A N/A
Fixed Rates Principal & Interest Interest Only
  Interest Rate Comparison Rate Interest Rate Comparison Rate
1 Year 6.24% p.a. 7.22% p.a. 6.24% p.a. 7.22% p.a.
2 Year 6.39% p.a. 7.15% p.a. 6.39% p.a. 7.15% p.a.
3 Year 5.74% p.a. 6.88% p.a. 5.74% p.a. 6.89% p.a.
5 Year 6.49% p.a. 6.96% p.a. 6.49% p.a. 6.97% p.a.
Minimum Amount $150,000
Maximum Amount 95% of the property value
Loan period Up to 30 years
Repayments Monthly, fortnightly, weekly
Interest charges Calculated daily, charged monthly
Monthly account keeping/service fees   $0
Establishment fee Waived
Legal Fees Waived
Valuation Fees  Waived
Additional Repayments Fee $0
Redraw Facility Yes fee free. Available on both variable and fixed rate loans.
Monthly account keeping/service fees No
Top up facility available Minimum $10,000
Offset Account Yes, 100% offset account with a Visa Debit for variable rate loans only 

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Parental Guarantee for First Home Buyers

With high property prices it can be overwhelming for first home buyers to save for a deposit. However, there is a way to make this more achievable with the assistance of those closest to you.

Discover how a Parental Guarantee can help turn your dream of homeownership into a reality.

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  • 1 Only available for First Home Buyers and Housing Australia. Minimum home loan balance $150,000. Not available for internal product switches. Maximum loan period 30 years. Interest rate calculated daily charged monthly. Loan to Value Ratio (LVR), is the ratio of money you borrow compared to the value of the property used as security, as determined by the Bank.
  • 2 Comparison Rate is calculated on a loan amount of $150,000 over a term of 25 years based on monthly repayments. These rates are for secured loans only. WARNING: These Comparison Rates are true only for the examples given and may not include all fees and charges. Different terms, fees or other loan amounts might result in a different Comparison Rate. Comparison rates for Variable Interest Only loans are based on an initial 5 year Interest only period. Comparison rates for Fixed Interest Only loans are based on an initial Interest Only period equal in length to the fixed period. During an interest only period, your interest only payments will not reduce your loan balance. This may mean you pay more interest over the life of the loan. Interest rates are on a per annum basis.
  • 3 Only available for First Home Buyers and Housing Australia. Minimum home loan balance $150,000. Not available for internal product switches. Maximum loan period 30 years. Interest rate calculated daily charged monthly. After fixed period interest rate reverts to First Home Buyer Advantage Plus and Government Scheme Lending standard variable rate.

4 The Parental Guarantee is only offered through our First Home Buyer Advantage Plus Loan for the purchase of owner-occupied properties. Please note: the guarantee is not available for the purposes of owner builder construction, cash out, debt consolidation or addition of the security to an existing home loan. Minimum home loan balance $150,000. Not available for top-ups or internal product switches. Maximum loan period 30 years. Interest rate calculated daily charged monthly. After fixed period interest rate reverts to First Home Buyer Advantage Plus standard variable rate.

Guarantors should consider the risks associated with the Parental Guarantee, predominantly that if the borrower defaults on their loan, the guarantor is liable to pay up to the maximum portion of the security they have guaranteed. You must seek independent legal advice before offering to guarantee a loan.

5 Eligibility criteria, terms and conditions, fees and charges may apply. All information is subject to change. For standard terms that are less than or equal to 12 months, interest is paid at maturity; for terms over 12 months, interest is paid annually and at maturity. For monthly terms, interest is paid every month and at maturity with a reduction of 0.20% from the applicable stated interest rate. The Term Deposit can hold funds exceeding the maximum 20% of the guaranteed loan value, however the amount secured against the loan will be determined by the Loan to Value Ratio. After the initial term is met, the Term Deposit will continue to roll over until the required Loan to Value Ratio is met, and the guarantee can be released. Once the home loan settlement is finalised, the Term Deposit will be secured against the property that has been purchased. The Guarantee must be released prior to accessing any of the principal deposit. Once the Guarantee is released, an interest rate adjustment will normally apply. Please note: Members are not entitled to withdraw funds until the term matures. We may, in our absolute discretion and consideration of their reason, allow the Guarantor to withdraw funds before the end of the term.

Information above has been prepared without taking into account of your objectives, financial situation or needs. Before acting on this information, you should consider its appropriateness, having regard to your objectives, financial situation and needs. You should obtain and consider the Product Disclosure statement here.

Credit eligibility criteria, terms and conditions, fees and charges apply. All information including interest rate is subject to change. 

^ Other fees and charges may apply and will be specified at the time the loan is approved. Valuation fee waived for one property only.